Thanks to Desjardins and in collaboration with La Ruche and the Foundation for Education in Cooperation and Mutuality, the Défi Propulsion Desjardins will propel cooperative projects. These projects will also be launched on La Ruche on September 14 at 1:30 p.m. in order to obtain additional funding and thus mobilize the community around the projects.
Défi Propulsion Desjardins | September 14, 2021 AT 1:30 P.M.
Selected projects
The 3 showcase cooperative projects that will be presented to all delegates and 3 mentors on September 14 at 1:30 p.m. are:
Hautes-Laurentides breeders' solidarity cooperative
The Abattoir des Hautes-Laurentides relaunch project located in Ferme-Neuve promotes the growth and enhancement of cooperation by allowing a Solidarity Cooperative to achieve its objective, which is: to operate a company with a view to providing goods and services of professional utility to its user members, in the field of agrifood or any other related activities. It brings together people or companies having an economic, social or cultural interest in the achievement of this mission. User members are people or companies with the effective capacity to use the Cooperative's services.
The objective of the BivouaQ cooperative is to offer outdoor activities for people with disabilities. Guided outdoor sightseeing tours in a market where supply is virtually non-existent while demand is growing. These solidarity and inclusive outdoor outings will take different forms and will involve several outdoor sports activities, such as hiking, cross-country skiing, canoe-camping, sea kayaking expeditions and adventure and discovery trips to abroad. Their services are essentially focused on adventure, the outdoors and travel, we offer it in an inclusive format by having participants with and without disabilities and their offer is structured to offer a plurality of activities, spread over the length of the year. all seasons of the year.
Retournzy cooperative de solidarité is a social economy enterprise with a strong societal impact, in the pre-start-up phase. Their mission is to reduce waste at source in the restaurant industry and to revolutionize the way of consuming take-out and delivery meals by offering an ecological and sustainable alternative to the use of single-use containers, thanks to a turnkey distribution, collection, washing and sanitation service for reusable containers. They offer an innovative solution that responds to the challenges of pollution of territories and waterways by single-use containers, mainly from the restaurant industry, as well as the overflow of landfill sites.
* A few days before the event, you will receive a connection link allowing you to attend the Desjardins Propulsion Challenge virtually.
Défi Propulsion Desjardins Express | September 14, 2021 at 3 p.m.
Selected projects
The projects below will also have the opportunity to make a presentation to the delegates and will try to win the “COOP Effect” scholarships offered by the Foundation for Education in Cooperation and Mutuality. Vote for your favorite project!
Dorimène and The Stubborn Farm
The Dorimène cooperative housing project and La ferme entêtée, cooperative urban farm is made possible through the cooperation between two teams mobilized and motivated by the desire to create positive changes within the community. It testifies to the possibility of designing housing and urban agriculture in a different way, in addition to carrying out a meaningful project for the members and the community.
Tetro Coop Space
Espace Tétro Coop is a solidarity cooperative project led by families, workers and organizations from Tétreaultville, in order to set up a collaborative space for holding cultural and community activities with a microbrewery and local food offer. . Our project completely promotes the growth and enhancement of cooperation, on the one hand through our activities to raise awareness of cooperative values, whether it is thematic film screenings, artistic performances or even events of popular education.
The sanctuary
The objective of the Sanctuary is to establish a new ethical business model within the Quebec music industry, thanks to the contribution and collaboration of the artist and cultural worker members of its community. The Sanctuary provides a framework for musical production thanks in part to a royalty collection service, at a digital platform offering organizational structure tools for independent artists, and offering training courses and educational workshops on the management and marketing of musical products, adapted to the specific needs of members.
The coop's primary mission is to pool the needs of the restaurant industry. The coop stands out for its ecological vocation, in particular by promoting the use of optimal roads or the driving of vehicles with low GHG emissions. The innovation lies in the dual aim of the project to combine ecology and technology to amplify its benefits for both the cooperative and local communities. It will first be necessary to develop a technological solution that will succeed in optimizing the ecological performance of their operations. This cutting-edge solution will be powered by AI and will make it possible to be the first on the market to precisely and quantify the ecological impact in the calculation of the optimal route in order to reduce emissions from delivery activities.
* A few days before the event, you will receive a connection link allowing you to attend the Desjardins Express Propulsion Challenge virtually.
All projects will be launched on the La Ruche platform on the occasion of RDV 2021 and may benefit from additional financial support if the project achieves its crowdfunding objective.